
Monday, February 14, 2022

It's been a while.

I knew that when I started this blog portion of the site, I'd probably never keep it up, but here I am, trying.

Here's what's been going on with me, writing-wise. I've been editing and re-writing, adding and subtracting to and from from my book and every day I work on it and make even a little bit of progress is a good day. I am really happy with it so far and am so excited to share it with the world.

I've also been working on networking and filling my social media with other writers to help motivate and inspire me, that is when I find time outside of work.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

It's been a while.

I got my edits back a couple of weeks ago and thankfully the pain has subsided. I would describe it as being pelted with gold nuggets. Hiring an editor was painful, both for my wallet and my soul, but I think it will be worth it. My editor offered me advice that helped steer my book in an entirely new direction and I think it will be for the better. Not only did my editor point out some glaring flaws, but she also gave me some great ideas on how to fix them. I certainly found the right editor for me!

I think the hardest part of writing at this point is actually finding time to write. I'm going through a tumultuous time at work and am also working hard to renovate my house and myself. But we must make time! If you're truly a writer at heart, a little writing counts as self-care.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Here I am, back from a long hiatus after a month-long trip. Here are the bullet points:

  • drove from California to Florida (and Georgia); had a great time

  • chose an editor who is expecting my book by mid-September

  • got practically zero time to work on my book or other authorly duties because I was having too much damn fun

  • currently freaked out about finishing because it feels like I have a mess of crap in a word doc. right now

  • The school year is about to start and I want to work really hard this year at acclimating to my new school and being the best teacher I can be which means my time available for writing is being drastically dimished

  • Send help.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Self-Publishing Adventure: Finding an Editor

I stand at the precipice of a crucial decision: choosing my editor. This is my first novel and, to be honest, the process has been a little stressful. It’s basically me paying someone to pick apart and judge a piece of my heart. That’s why I tried to do my research first.

I began by asking around the #WritingCommunity on Twitter for recommendations, but did not get a lot of responses since I’m still small-fry. Instead, I decided to bite the bullet and use a site called Reedsy, which connects all sorts of professionals involved in book publication.

I was able to filter by certain preferences, like genre, and choose up to five in the first go to offer an introduction and reading sample.

As a teacher, I know a good introduction can not only set the tone of a relationship, but also the expectations. I told them about my book, my experience, my budget, and what sort of services I sought. After that, I got quotes from and messages from 2 out of 5 editors who felt they could meet my criteria and timeframe.

Now, originally, I was hoping to get out of this with a budget of $300 or less, but with a book of ~45,000, that would have meant finding someone who would read and make suggestions about a book for less than $0.007/word, which I found is not typical.


It turns out that was a gross underestimation. I was over 200% wrong, if that makes sense.

Now I had to get thrifty. I could no longer afford all the different types of editing stages one might need.

It was apparent that I could only choose one.

Based on the description of what I needed, my potential editors suggested a service I hadn’t come across in my research called “editorial assessment.” This meant different things to the two editors, both services aligning with things I wanted like overall impressions, general notes, language suggestions, character analysis, etc. As far I as I understand, it’s a paid beta read.

Both offers were close in price but emphasized different things AND provided feedback in different forms (an organized overview vs. in-document comments).

Ultimately, it came down to my preference. And that’s what it’s all about, right? Finding someone who jibes with my style?

That being said, I still wasn’t sure WHAT I wanted, so I requested a sample and gave them the time they needed. (Editors are people too, after all.)

And so here we are. Waiting.

Tuesday, July 1, 2021

Yesterday, I finished drafting my book. To say that I am exhilarated would be an understatement. It took some twists and some turns as well, but I can proudly say that I have produced something magnificent in my eyes and I cannot wait to see what it grows into as it matures.

In honor of my accomplishment, I am going to reward myself by prepping my digital presence to host more updates on my process. I will be sharing my personal checkpoints and struggles, yes, but I am also interested in sharing the things I am sure I will learn along the way. Prepare for articles and reflections, folks. You are going to have a front-row seat to a journey into the mind of an emerging, first-time author.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

As I am setting up my site, I can honestly say I have no idea what I'm doing. So far I have thought to include writing samples, advertise my work in progress, and include my social media handles. It's actually a lot of work to set up, and I can only hope I'm not creating a monster.